Where Passion Meets Platform

NewsBreak contributor David Heitz empowers communities through transparent information and storytelling from a unique local perspective

David in front of the famed American Gothic House holding the tool of his trade, an AP stylebook

David Heitz always knew he wanted to be a journalist. He worked in local news in his hometown of Rock Island, Illinois to pay his way through college and has had a storied career in local news reporting – both as a reporter for publications such as the Orange County Register and Quad-City Times and as managing editor for the Los Angeles Times Community News and other media groups  – winning multiple awards, including the prestigious Pulliam Journalism Fellowship, over the past four decades for his local reporting. But his path to becoming a successful NewsBreak contributor was not as straightforward as this resume would suggest. 

A fiercely independent grassroots journalist who gives a voice to the marginalized, David has navigated personal challenges with courage and resilience. David became homeless in 2018 and has since recovered after receiving life-changing mental health treatment. He returned to his journalism career in 2020, regaining his identity and sense of purpose on the NewsBreak platform.

David (third from left) with fellow recipients of the Pulliam Journalism Fellowship

Amplifying local voices

“NewsBreak is filling the void of local news across America and empowering journalists like me who are passionate about telling local stories,” David says. “As citizen journalists, we can amplify unheard voices and write about what matters the most to our local communities.”

David with Joan Lunden, host of Good Morning America from 1974 - 1997

A trusted source of news and information for more than 40 million users across the U.S., NewsBreak enables David to make an impact and connect with readers. The platform encourages active discussion as a part of news consumption — sparking conversations he relishes with his local community. 

“I love interacting with readers,” David says. “I’ve written for many platforms, but none have brought me the consistent level of engagement and community support that NewsBreak offers.” 

David has published 2,400 stories on NewsBreak over the past four years, reaching as many as 100,000 views with a single piece. He has built a base of close to 23,000 followers and brought attention to important local issues, including how the city is spending to improve local infrastructure, reporting on how particular City Council decisions impact the Denver community, and sharing insights into the causes of homelessness and what people can do to help.

“I write every day because I love it. Doing meaningful work and being engaged with the community is incredibly important to me,” he explains. “I appreciate having a platform like NewsBreak to share what matters most with local communities.”

David in his office, doing work that matters every day for NewsBreak readers

Bringing nuance to news

“To get started as a NewsBreak contributor, begin with what you know,” David advises. “Start with your passion and find the ‘news peg’ that connects it to what’s happening now.” 

He gives parenting issues as an example. A parent can bring unique awareness to parenting topics, but it’s important to stay informed so your contribution has relevance. City Council meetings are online, so you could attend to find out how funding allocation is impacting special education programs or affordable housing, or whether city planning is making walking to school safer. You could interview local experts on cyberbullying or teen social media use. Or relate new figures on immunization rates to school attendance or healthcare equity. 

“When writing a story, it’s crucial to highlight different perspectives or opposing viewpoints. Finding the conflict and presenting both sides allows for a more balanced and compelling narrative. You absolutely have to stick to the facts and attribute quotes and information correctly. When you want to share your personal views, an opinion piece is the right vehicle. This is how you are transparent,” David explains. 

David’s NewsBreak Local Champion award is even more meaningful as his early journalism awards, the only possessions he took with him into homelessness, were stolen (more on this story here)

“I’m here on NewsBreak to tell the best local stories possible to inform and connect our communities. I take reporting the truth very seriously, and I work every day. If you have a fire in your belly, you can be successful too,” David concludes. 

The typewriter that inspired David to write at age 8

Joining NewsBreak’s Contributor Network is easy: simply create an account at https://creators.newsbreak.com/ and start publishing right away. Once you have published 10 articles and reached 100 followers, you can apply to become monetized.

David has 23,000 followers on the NewsBreak platform and a total of 81 million views. You can read and follow David’s stories on the NewsBreak app or website: https://www.newsbreak.com/david-heitz-561257

Please support the work of Colorado Coalition for the Homeless to make a difference to those at risk or experiencing homelessness. Donations are welcome.

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